April D. Brown – Working Through Life’s Roadblocks

The clear path April D Brown dreamed of as a child had roadblocks no one could foresee. Out of those, the loss of memory caused far more concern than the loss of hearing and vision.

She is deaf, blind, and doing fine most of the time. After all, vision and hearing can be internal as well as external. With the help of her husband, cats, and dogs, she wanders along the path that unfolds slowly before her stumbling feet, the same path she tried to push away as a teen. Writing doesn’t come as easy now as it did then. Full of hidden vision, wonder, and forgotten sounds and odors, it seems far more impactful now though.

Her fascination with history, science, and social science led her on a quest to uncover forgotten societal mythology, which often masquerades as fact. New solutions to old queries will be uncovered in the future through studies of the past. Her novels and novellas are adventures written in a more clean and classical style without extreme action, romance, or violence. Characters think before they act. Sometimes, this leads to trouble.

Her nonfiction is often written at the request of others.

Gluten (and allergy) free cookbooks include tips for tricks for people with multiple common disabilities, including poor memory, low vision, and limited dexterity. Learning to live gluten free wasn’t as easy in 2005 as it is in 2019. However, there are still people every day who have to learn. Whether you are a new cook or new to cooking gluten (and allergy) free, you can look forward to safe potlucks and family meals with a trim foundation in meats, vegetables, and safe grains.

Journey Through Life Lists was written at the request of friends with serious memory loss planning their future while desperate to remember their past. Daily obligations cause life to race past too fast. An event that seemed to happen days ago really occurred years ago. Track the present as it slips into the past with lists of vital information to pave your way through the future. Today and yesterday are easily lost in the shuffle of daily chores and must-dos. Journey Through Life Lists is here to help you remember that which is easily pushed aside.

The Self-Publishing Checklist began as a way to have her husband help her with the publishing process as her vision deteriorated. She had paper folders full of information for every distributor she used and many other important sites she used every day. It developed into a way to have everything in an accessible to braille display format. She decided to share with those who might need it for their own use.

VoiceOver with the Brailliant Braille Display was designed for personal use when she discovered there was no written manual for learning to use a screen reader for the first time as a middle-aged adult. Learning to live legally blind and knowing the little remaining vision may be gone today, tomorrow, or next week was scary. She wanted to learn so she could continue writing, editing, and publishing. No one had the time to teach her. And the program didn’t come with directions, so she had to make her own.

Her fiction is still progressing. What she spent over two years working on and thought was a really long novel turned out to be a novella. Crosswinds: Past, Present, and Future Combine was a look at what now would be called the missing and (often) murdered native women. When she wrote, she was trying to connect with a past she don’t really know. And she didn’t know it would be a movement in a few (7 or 8) years.

Her second fiction group is her Trails series. Planning to have all six finished before the first one was released, she spent a few years searching for an agent, and that put her behind in her writing. Trails 6 still hasn’t worked out. If she ever finishes it, the Trails series will be a trilogy of pairs.

The last few years have been more about finishing up loose ends. She gathered all my short stories together, and published Mirror Worlds, a look at worlds as they are, could be, and may be.

And there is more. Much more. If you want to know more about her works (and her developmental editing and formatting) please check out her website: http://uncoveredmyths.wixsite.com/uncoveredmyths

April D Brown

Writing dramatic adventure novels, uncovering the myths we hide behind.

Amazon Links:

For the rest of this month, September 2019, all of April’s books are on sale for half-price. The links to some of her books are below. To see all of the books she has written, please visit her Amazon page.

Coffee, Tea, and Gluten-Free

Journey Through Life Lists

The Self-Publishing Checklist

VoiceOver with the Brailliant Braille Display

Crosswinds: Past, Present, and Future Combine

Trails: First Generation: Pair 1: Trails – Fault Lines and Volcano

Trails: Pit Miners: Pair 2 – Trails – Tales and Mines

Mirror Worlds